Kutno Jewish Community English עברית Français Español

December Checking of articles for the printed version of the Yizkor Book in English
Sending the corrected Yizkor Book in English to printing
November Checking of articles for the printed version of the Yizkor Book in English
Translation of necrologies in the Yizkor Book: Israel

October Checking of articles for the printed version of the Yizkor Book in English
Translation of necrologies in the Yizkor Book: Israel
September Trip to Poland Poland: Kutno and surroundings, Warsaw
Translation of the website in Polski

August Checking of articles for the printed version of the Yizkor Book in English
Translation of necrologies in the Yizkor Book: France, Belgium, UK, Australia, USA, Canada, Mexcico
July Checking of articles for the printed version of the Yizkor Book in English

June Publication of "Broken Memories" in hardcover book, in English and עברית May Beginning of the Kutno Jewish Cemetery Restoration project
Zoom meeting with Polish Rabbis about cemetery restoration plan

April Article "Jewish-Polish Relationships in Kutno 40 Years Ago" in English
Article "Kutno Rabbis, Sages and Writers" in English
March Article "About Our Spiritual Figures" in English
Article "The Heavenly Kutno" in English
Article "On the History of Leczyca" in English
Article "The Cheder Yesodei Torah" in English
Article "Memories of the Old Life" in English
Article "In Konstancja, Gabin, Plock, Strzegowo" in English

February Article "Yitzhak Yehuda Trunk" in English
Article "Poles Tell About the Kutno Ghetto" in English
Article "Jewish Sports Clubs in Kutno" in English
January Article "HaGaon R' Y. Y. Trunk of Kutno" in English
Article "R' Yitzhak (Itshe) Meir SZPIRO (the Ritual Slaughterer)" in English
Article "Associative Life, Jewish Community, Municipality" in English

Donations 14 last articles translated into English and donated (JewishGen).
The Yizkor Book translation to English project is now finished.