Kutno Jewish Community English עברית Français Español Polski
List of surnames
Personal genealogies of Kutners
Master Index Data returns number of entries in data files:
JHI Deaths 1830-1840 (JRI-Poland)
Duma Voters 1907 (JewishGen, login required)
Talmud Torah 1915 contributors (from Kutno Yizkor Book)
Ellis Island 1892-1924 (Ellis Island Foundation)
Business Directory 1929, Phonebooks 1932, 1938
Census 1930
Kutno Ghetto Census in 1941 (JRI-Poland)
Yad Vashem testimonies
Yizkor Book list of Martyrs (from Kutno Yizkor Book)
List of names (from Kutno Yizkor Book)
Necrology Pages (from Kutno Yizkor Book)
Kutno Book of Residents (part 1) (index for online search)
List of Contributions of the Kutno Jewish Community in 1929
(source: Archives of Plock, Kutno branch, SPK 24, sygn. 192, k.171-187)
Master Index LDS 1808-1833 returns number of entries/year
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