Kutno Jewish Community English עברית Français Español Polski
3 – Cover page, synagogue
11 – General view of the city (New Market)
25 – Cover page Zayit Ra'anan, by Moshe Yehuda Leib Zylberberg
59 – Krolewska street
60 – The author and other Kutners - As soldiers in the Polish Army (in 1920)
62 – Train station
63 – The Theatre
64 – Members of "HeChalutz" group ("The Pioneer") in the year 1919
65 – Program of a show by the pupils of the school "Am HaSefer", directed by Rabbi Yonah-Baruch Kac z"l (1917)
66 – Letter from the director of the Kutno Hebrew Gymnasium to Rabbi Yonah-Baruch Kac in New York
66 – Kutno Synagogue that was built in the 18th century
67 – Lottery ticket to the benefit of Kutno Talmud Torah in 1915. Left - approval of prizes by
the organizing committee

73 – Announcement of a Hebrew drama literature evening: "The Elder Sister", in 1917
74 – Cossacks in occupied Kutno in 1914
74 – Jewish forced laborers unloading wagons (1915)
75 – Welcome to Shalom Aleichem in honor of his coming to Kutno in 1914 (YIVO archives)
77 – Market day in old marketplace
79 – Shalom Aleichem in Kutno (1914)
80 – House in the old marketplace in Kutno
81 – Eizyk's agricultural farm
88 – Aharon-Nachum the tailor
89 – Mekl the carrier - drawing by Chaim Tyber
89 – Poultry seller - drawing by Chaim Tyber
90 – Mr. Michael Yehoshua Rasz
91 – The managers, worshippers and donors from the Artisans’ Synagogue, in front of the Holy Ark
94 – Restoration of the synagogue in 1934
95 – Prayer group in synagogue "Ein Yaakov"
101 – Aharon Shlomo Elberg
102 – Letter from the community of Kutno to the landsmanschaft in London - 1925
104 – Certificate of approval from the Ministry of Education for the opening of the school "Am HaSefer" (1918)
105 – Certificate of the community council of 1927 - For the travel of the Rabbi Yonah Baruch Kac
106 – Community council of 1928. Sitting: A. Ajzman, Rabbi Yitzhak Yehuda Trunk, Yonatan Majranc.
Standing: A. Szajnrok, A. Sh. Elberg

107 – Parents' council of the Hebrew high school "Am HaSefer" in Kutno
109 – Certificate of the community council for the mission of Aharon Shlomo Elberg in Eretz Israel
110 – Zerchin - First Hebrew teacher in Kutno
111 – The rabbi Yitzhak Yehuda Trunk and the chairman of the community, Mr. Falc
112 – From right: Rabbi Yitzhak Yehuda Trunk with community leaders Sztajnfeld and Kam
113 – Preliminary budget of the community for the year 1927
114 – Party of the Kutno community committee in August 1939
115 – Budget of the Kutno community in 1934
116 – "Jewish peril" - That was the theme of an antisemitic lecture given on 30 August 1925.
Left - anti-Jewish announcement

132 – Financial report for the Zionist Association in Kutno for the year 1916-1917
136 – Beit HaMidrash in Kutno: there studied Nachum Sokolow, Shalom Asz, rabbis and head of yeshivot
under rabbis Yehoshele Kutner and Eliyahu Welcman

137 – Cover of book Zeit Ra'anan, second part, by Moshe Yehuda Leib Zylberberg
138 – Cover of book Milchamot Yehuda, by Mordechai Yehuda Lubart
139 – Rabbi Trunk, Efraim Fishel Zandberg and Mr. Zaklikowski - During their visit of the
"Yeshiva of the Sages of Lublin", with Kutno students (1938)

144 – Chaim Tyber - Blowing the shofar
145 – Main entrance of the great synagogue
147 – Yonah Sztrum z"l
147 – Zalman Aba Temerson z"l
148 – Group of pupils of the school "Beit Yaakov"
149 – Creation of the Zionist Association in Kutno - 1916
150 – Kindergarten, with teacher Mrs. Majranc
150 – Pupils of the school "Banot Zion" (1920)
151 – Certificate of donation to the benefit of Eretz Israel
152 – Kindergarten in Kutno
153 – Kutno characters
153 – First Zionist committee in Kutno
154 – Adult training group of "HeChalutz" in Leczyca
155 – Members of "HeChalutz"
155 – Workers from the Keren Kayemet (1930)
157 – First Jewish Scouts in Kutno
157 – In the agricultural farm of Mr. Eizyk
158 – Poster of "Za'ir Mizrachi" in Kutno
159 – "HeChalutz" in Kutno
160 – Leaders of the Union of Soldiers
161 – Beitar in Kutno - 1932
162 – Mordechai Walter z"l
162 – Beitar group in 1931
164 – Training group of Beitar (1934) near Brewda
165 – Kutno Beitar member card
165 – Donation box of KKL that was in the entry of the great synagogue in Kutno
167 – "Union of Soldiers" — 1932
168 – Power of Attorney of KKL - Prost
168 – Beitar member Gwircman, who drowned during a training in Iwacewicze
169 – Branch of Beitar - 1930
170 – Gwircman z"l - In coffin, after drowning
171 – "Lion" group in Kutno
172 – Adults and youngsters in the HaShomer HaZa'ir clubhouse
174 – "HaShomer HaZa'ir" group members
175 – "Strength and courage" - In honor of the emigrants of "HaShomer HaZair" from Kutno
176 – In the 'nest'
176 – Adult group of "HaShomer HaZair"
176 – Top: group of members of "HaShomer HaZair" in Kutno, in 1926 - Bottom: same group in Tel Aviv, 1962
177 – "HaNoar HaZa'ir" at its creation (1934)
177 – "HaNoar HaZa'ir" with their leaders
182 – The author - In uniform of the Jewish Legion (1917)
183 – First committee of "Poalei Zion" in Kutno (1917): from right - Kac (Belgium), Apelast z"l, Yosef Szpiro (Kiryat Ata),
Mroz z"l and Frenkel

184 – Fundraising day in Kutno
188 – The League for Working Eretz Israel (left wing Zionist coalition)
189 – The author of the memories, on his visit to Kutno in 1935
191 – Committee of the "Jugnt" branch: standing (from right) - B. Pietrikowski, Y. Elbaum. Sitting: Eliyahu Klingbajl,
L. Pietrikowski, M. Sztajn

192 – Activists of "Jugnt" (from right): Kac, Lustigman, Elbaum
193 – The "HaZamir" and its leader Yaakov Frenkel (at centre)
194 – Yaakov Mroz z"l
194 – Priwe Kuczinska z"l
195 – A group of "Bund" members
196 – Committee of Bundist Youth "Zukunft" ("Future") - 1927
197 – "Bund" cooperative - Standing by the entrance, the director Gnendel Getzel
198 – Trip of the "Tsukunft" in Gabin (1931)
198 – "Skif" (Youth organization of Bund)
202 – Gutshe Zelkowicz
209 – School "Am HaSefer"
209 – State elementary school ("Powszechna"/"Universal") - 1930
210 – Teachers of the Hebrew Gymnasium "Am HaSefer"
210 – Graduates of "Am HaSefer" together with new classes (1932)
211 – Elementary school ("Powszechna") #4 - The pupils and the teachers
212 – A classroom in "Am HaSefer" (1932)
212 – State public school ("Powszechna") - 1930
213 – Trip of "Am HaSefer" to Zakopane
213 – Report of the Supervising Committee on the Operations of the "Merchants' Bank" (1928)
214 – Staff of the "Bank Kupiecki" in Kutno. Sitting at center - the Rabbi Trunk
214 – Bank of Commerce ("Kupiecki" - 1929)
215 – Bank Kupiecki in Kutno, financial report
215 – Sportsmen of "Maccabi" (1918)
216 – Association "Maccabi"
217 – Mazik, first sports coach of "Maccabi" (1915)
217 – Children group from "Maccabi" (1922)
217 – Sports-club "HaGvura" ("Courage") (1926)
217 – Soccer group "Bar-Kochba" (1923)
218 – Jutrznia Morgensztern - 1928
219 – "Maccabi" Jewish Association for Sports and Gymnastics (member card of Abraham Lustigman)
220 – Soccer players of "Maccabi" (1932)
221 – "Gwiazda-Sztern" (1930)
222 – Felek Falc z"l
222 – Dramatic circle with theatre director Yaakov Wajslic (1919?)
223 – "Maccabi" orchestra (1916)
223 – Kopel Kirszbaum z"l
224 – German document of Kopel Kirszbaum of 21 September 1939
226 – "Jutrznia-Morgensztern"
226 – Sportsmen of "Jutrznia-Morgensztern"
227 – Letter of appreciation from community leaders on the occasion of the aliyah of Mr. Yitzhak Majranc
227 – Program of celebrations for the opening of Hebrew school in Kutno, under German authority (1918)
228 – Commemorative picture on the occasion of the aliyah of Mr. Yitzhak Majranc
228 – Regional assembly in Kutno of the professional union of trade workers and cooperatives in Poland
229 – The patrons of the training course
229 – Balance of the Bank of Commerce (1928)
230 – Association of Jewish Secondary Schools in Kutno
231 – Letter from YIVO to Mr. Yaakov Ferenbach
235 – The late Rabbi Israel Yehoshua Trunk
238 – Cover sefer Yeshuot Malko, of Israel Yehoshua Trunk
239 – Cover sefer Yeshuot Israel, of Israel Yehoshua Trunk
240 – Letter of the Genius of Kutno, Israel Yehoshua Trunk
242 – Rabbi Israel Yehoshua Trunk with community leader Manczester
243 – The rabbi Yitzhak Yehuda Trunk
245 – House of Rabbi Trunk
246 – Mr. Yitzhak Majranc received the first honorary membership of the Jewish community of Kutno,
on the suggestion of Rabbi Trunk ztz“l

247 – Shalom Asz at work
256 – Portrait of Shalom Asz's mother - By artist Chaim Tyber
259 – House of Shalom Asz in Bat Yam
262 – Leibish Finkler
263 – The Rabbi Yitzhak-Pinchas Kubec hy"d
263 – Mr. Nachman Yitzhak Ajdels z"l
266 – Yehuda Riftin z"l
274 – Yaakov Osowski z"l
274 – Tea Arciszewska, actress and writer
276 – Zalman Kirsztajn
278 – The Chazan Polakewicz
279 – The cantor - Chaim Tyber
279 – Polakewicz - Chaim Tyber 1884
279 – Son of Chazan Polakewicz
280 – Chaim Tyber z"l
280 – Cheder youngsters - Chaim Tyber
280 – Going to cheder - Chaim Tyber
281 – The musician - Chaim Tyber
283 – Drawing of Chaim Tyber z"l for the library near the great synagogue in Warsaw, Tlomacka 13.
The competition ("Ex-Libris") awarded him 50 zlotys

284 – Mr. Yitzhak (Itshe) Szpiro z"l and Sara Ryvka
285 – Mindel and Chaim-Yaakov Walter z"l
286 – Mordechai Gwircman and his wife z"l
288 – Yosef Wajchselfisz z"l
288 – Discussions on the Torah, in memory of Yehoshua Moshe, son of the Admor of Skerniewice
290 – Herman and Eva Kirszbaum z"l
291 – Avigdor Groman z"l
291 – Leibel Panker z"l
292 – Noach Gurker z"l
293 – Mendel Rak ("Sidelock")
295 – David Kleczewski z"l
296 – Mr. David Kolski z"l
297 – Hirsh-Majer and Chana Rak z"l
300 – Kutners near the occidental wall - before the creation of the state...
300 – The first Kutno pioneers
300 – Kutners in Jerusalem, in 1925, in Purim disguise
301 – Certificate of liberation of Moshe Lustigman from prison in Romania
301 – Recommendation of Rabbi Trunk to liberate Moshe Lustigman from prison
301 – Kutners as construction contractors and workers in Eretz Israel
302 – Abraham Lustigman in the War of Independence
302 – Simcha Frumer, policeman in the days of Mandate Palestine
302 – Letter of appreciation and thanks from MK M. Surkis, one of the leaders of the "Escape",
to the "Escape" activists from Kutno

303 – Mr. Yaakov Welcman z"l
304 – Dr. Yehuda M. Bromberg-Babli
305 – N. Tiger
307 – Asher Rojer and wife z"l
307 – Yosef Rojer z"l
307 – Goldman z"l
308 – Mordechai HaLevi and Miryam-Ester Laznowski
308 – House of the Rojer family in Tel Aviv, built by Kutner workers
309 – The poet Abraham Zvi HaLevi Laznowski
309 – Mr. Yitzhak Laznowski
309 – Yitzhak Szwarc in his work in HaBreicha ("Escape") in Krakow
311 – Chaim Fisz
311 – Zvi Szpiro
311 – Chaim Fuks
312 – David Metal
313 – Moshe Plocer
313 – Eliyahu Szarecki
314 – Abraham Szymonowicz
314 – Arie Grinbaum
315 – Nachman Falc
316 – Certificate of imprisonment during Independence War
316 – Eli Eliav z"l
317 – Captain Yoram (Zandberg) Harpez z"l
326 – Jewish children in the ghetto
331 – The transfer to ghetto Konstancja
332 – Yosef Kam in the ghetto
334 – Ghetto Konstancja - after the liquidation
337 – Members of the "Judenrat" with Sender Falc at its head
338 – Camp prisoner Plotkin
339 – Deportation to ghetto Konstancja
340 – The deportation
343 – The transfer to ghetto Konstancja
345 – "Search for Relatives" through the "Red Cross"
346 – Children in ghetto
351 – Gravestone in Chełmno for Polish Jews
354 – Registration of Jews at the town hall in Kutno
357 – Deportation of Kutner Jews
359 – Postcard from Kutno to Mexico - 1940
360 – The deportation
367 – The Plotkin family in ghetto Konstancja
369 – The sugar factory Konstancja
370 – "Work office" for Kutner Jews
372 – Entrance of ghetto Konstancja
373 – The letter of Bela Lustigman-Walcer z"l
374 – A postcard from Leczyca to Paris...
374 – ... and from Kutno to New York
376 – The "yellow patch" in France
379 – A group of Kutners in Paris. Most of them were murdered
382 – Memorial stone in Chełmno, erected for the wars of Poland
383 – List of the last Jews who worked in Chełmno
384 – Group of Jewish soldiers from Kutno in Polish Army, in 1939. All died.
386 – The Rabbi Bornsztajn, the last rabbi of Kutno, during the swearing ceremony of the Jewish soldiers
in Kutno in 1939, before their departure to the front

387 – Zyskind Bibergal
387 – Efraim Wajchselfisz
387 – Eliezer Jakubowicz
387 – Anshel Frajnd
387 – Moshe-Pinchas Szpiro
388 – Young Kutners in French underground
389 – Jewish partisan in France - Miniewski
389 – Second from right: Bernard Pons
394 – The author Sh. Laron (Falc) - in prison
395 – Document of war prisoner Sh. Laron (Falc)
396 – The author in a prisoners' camp
397 – Shmuel Wajchselfisz (Zahal)
397 – Zakrzewski (Red Army)
397 – Frizler z"l
397 – Herman Celemenski
401 – Gravestone in Kutno erected by survivors of the city
401 – The author during his visit in Treblinka after the liberation
402 – Kutner survivors during the erection of the memorial stone in the cemetery (1946)
403 – The memorial stone in memory of the Jews from Kutno murdered by the Nazis
404 – E. Wajchselfisz and I. Pasirsztajn, wearing Polish Army uniform, among carriers of stretcher
with ashes of victims. The Rabbi Kahana (on the right) says the prayer "El maleh rachamim"

406 – Ceremony in honor of the coffin with ashes of the victims
406 – The symbolic funeral procession
407 – The memorial stone - from the other side
409 – The Germans lined the old marketplace with the matzevot
411 – The new marketplace - after the war
412 – Destroyed matzevot in the Kutno Jewish cemetery
417 – Beit HaMidrash in Kutno transformed into a... firefighter station
418 – The broken matzeva, the day after its erection
419 – The synagogue
420 – Artillery of the Russian and Polish Army, after the liberation of Kutno (January, 1945)
425 – The old market after the war
426 – The Rabbi Yitzhak Yededya Frenkel, Tel Aviv
426 – The Rabbi and the community leaders of Leczyca (1939): from left, Yeshayahu Kohen, Kusznir,
Shlomo Kohen, Rabbi Eliezer Auerbach, Yaakov Elchanan Herman, Michael Landau, Rogozinski

427 – The Bzura river near Leczyca
428 – Rabbi Chaim Auerbach ztz"l, author of "Dibrei Mishpat"
428 – Rabbi Abraham Tiktin, author of "Petach HaBait"
429 – The great synagogue in Leczyca
431 – The "Jewish street" after the deportation
433 – The ancient fortress ("Zamek"/"castle")
435 – Town hall ("Magistrat") in Leczyca
436 – Mr. Henich Brusz, the Chazan of Leczyca z"l
437 – The burning of the synagogue of Leczyca (1942)
439 – Staff of gymnastics-club "HaKoach" in Leczyca. From left: Binem Herman, Zalman Bornsztajn,
Berel Szkulnik, Yosef Katek. Sitting: Zalman Najhaus, Moshe Jakubowicz, Mordechai Brzezinski

440 – Eve of the deportation
441 – Yaakov Wiszegrodzki, one of the hanged "eruvniks". The rope snapped when they first hanged him.
The German acted in disregard of international laws and hanged him anyway

441 – Forced labor in ghetto
442 – The "Jewish street", a wire-fenced ghetto, where were gathered all Jews from town
442 – The Judenrat, in front of a SS representative, reviewing the list before deportation
443 – Memorial day, near the gravestone in Leczyca (10 May 1946)
444 – Leczycer committee in Australia
448 – Committee of the "Popular Bank" in Krosniewice
449 – Hofman from Krosniewice - died in the Warsaw ghetto
449 – Matzeva in memory of the victims from Krosniewice, in Kyriat Shaul cemetery (Tel Aviv)
452 – The Jewish families were suddenly expelled from their homes, gathered together on a square and
taken to Konstancja, the Kutno ghetto. Later - to Zychlin and from there to the gas vans in Chełmno.

456 – Rachel Szumraj
456 – Yehoshua Szumraj, from the Lomza yeshiva, became a bundist - Murdered in Chełmno
457 – Hirsh Brzustowski from Dabrowice, noted as writer in the "Literary Newspaper" in Warsaw
and other literary publications in America

458 – Katryel Zontag, founder and leading member of the Bundist Youth in Dabrowice.
Murdered in Chełmno

459 – The Beitar member Wiszegrodzka z"l
459 – Letter from Jews of Dabrowice from Zychlin ghetto
465 – Ashes of the victims in Chełmno brought to the Nahalat Ytzhak cemetery (Tel Aviv) - 1949
465 – The matzeva in Mount Zion (in Jerusalem)
466 – Mr. Zumer (USA) in the meeting with the committee in Israel (1964)
466 – Writing staff in Israel
467 – At the entrance of Mount Zion in Jerusalem
468 – Former residents of Kutno in Israel at the memorial ceremony in Mount Zion in Jerusalem (1958)
469 – At the yearly memorial ceremony of the Kutner landsmanschaft in Israel (Jerusalem, 1958)
469 – At the annual memorial ceremony of the organization of former Kutno residents in Israel
(Jerusalem, Mount Zion, 1958)

470 – Presidium of the memorial ceremony in Tel Aviv, 1965. From right: Turbowicz, Orner (Korn),
Mendelewicz, Elberg, Wajchselfisz, Hirszberg, Lustigman, Elbaum, Laron (Falc)

471 – Top: part of the annual memorial ceremony of Kutners in the "House of Pioneers" in Tel Aviv 1963.
Bottom: committee of the Kutno former residents' organization in Israel

472 – Reception for writer Shalom Asz with his Kutno fellows - in Israel (1952)
473 – Shalom Asz with the Kutno Jews in Tel Aviv (1952)
474 – At the memorial cermemony of Kutners in New York - a part of the attendance.
Presidency - (left to right): Bibergal, Gajer, Trunk, Z. Zomer, Rabbi Lubart and G. Fogel (speaker)

475 – The New York committee for the "Yizkor book" of Kutno
476 – Near the monument to the victims of Kutno and surroundings in the Parisian cemetery of Bagneux
477 – Member-card of association "The Friends of Kutno" in Paris
478 – Memorial ceremony in Paris
479 – Committee of the association of former residents of Kutno and surroundings in Paris
480 – Near the memorial matzeva in Paris (cemetery in Bagneux)
481 – Committee of former residents of Kutno and surroundings in Paris
482 – Kutner fellows in Montreal - Canada. (Sitting from right): B. Balzamowicz, I. Mamlak, M. Erdberg-Szatan,
M. Ch. Szatan, H. Celemenski. (Standing from right): M. Szer, A. Manczyk, I Golberg, P. Manczyk-Goldberg,
M. Krasny, L. Kofer-Krasny, L. Sznurbach and Lewitan.

484 – Kutno former residents in Mexico
485 – Kutners in Mexico
486 – The memorial ceremony in Mexico
486 – Cover page project for the Kutno Yizkor Book, drawn by a son of a Kutner compatriot, Eizyk Majer Bild in Mexico
488 – Part of a letter by Yaakov Osowski
492 – Misha Osowski
493 – Wolf Nosol
493 – David Aspirsztajn
493 – Yitzhak Kac z"l
493 – Memorial ceremony in Germany (1946)
493 – Memorial ceremony in Germany (1946)
523 – Aharon Mendelewicz z"l
524 – Shimon and Pesa Walter (Sochaczewski)
524 – Blibaum Blima Lucia - Zheszewski Pinchas and Goldman Leib
524 – Shaye and Sabina Blibaum
524 – Zheszewski Wolf and Sara (born Kaliszak)
524 – Bzura Berish and Ruzhe Blibaum (born Sochaczewski) and their child Lucia
524 – Goldman Nahum and Manie (born Sochaczewski)
525 – Shmuel and Yochebed Falc (born Szlajfer) and family
526 – Shmuel Lustigman
526 – Sheindel Lustigman
526 – Matzeva of Shmuel Lustigman son of Menachem Mendel
526 – Matzeva of Sheindel Lustigman, wife of Menachem Mendel
527 – Mordechai Lustigman
527 – Leahle Szinicki
527 – Golda Szinicki Lustigman
527 – Golda Lustigman
527 – Chaim David Lustigman
527 – Yehoshua Lustigman
527 – Yosef Lustigman
527 – Zelig Lustigman
528 – Ferenbach family
529 – Yaakov son of Abraham Elbaum
530 – Feiga Malka Elbaum
530 – Moniek and Renie Elbaum
530 – Yochebed Elbaum
530 – Matzeva Elbaum family
531 – Matzeva Mendel Zylberberg son of Yitzhak
531 – Sara and Rachel Zylberberg
531 – Ze'ev Yehuda Anker
531 – Yona Miriam Anker
531 – Aleksander Anker
532 – Eli Gershon Klingbajl
532 – Hadasa Klingbajl
532 – Zvia Klingbajl, died in Chełmno
532 – Chana Sztrowajs, died in Ramat Gan on 26.4.1964, age 52
533 – Mordechai Kanał, died in 1930
533 – Malka Kanał, died in Chełmno
533 – Israel-Mendel Kanał, born 1886, died of hunger in Kutno ghetto
533 – Ryvka-Kreindel Kanał, born in 1890, died in Chełmno
533 – David-Yaakov Kanał, born in 1907, died in Kutno ghetto
533 – Moshe-Leib Kanał, killed by the Germans
533 – Eva Kanał, born on 29.6.1923, died in Chełmno, 1942
533 – Moshe (Moshko) Kanał, father of Israel and Salo Kanał, Warsaw ghetto fighters, died of typhus in Warsaw, 1943
534 – Ze'ev (Wolf) Krul, died in 1917
534 – Beile Krul born Pinkus
534 – Rachel Krul
534 – Ryvka Krul
534 – Shlomo Krul
534 – Pinchas Krul
535 – Abraham-Pinchas Perec
535 – Golda-Ita Perec
536 – Mendel Apelast z"l
536 – Esther Yehudit Apelast
536 – Zirel and Pesa
536 – Zirel and Pesa
536 – Yechiel Apelast and wife born Kozak
536 – Apelast Yehoshua z"l, died in September 1962
537 – Abraham Orner
537 – Bronia Orner
537 – Leah Orner
537 – Children Orner family
538 – Aharon Lamski - Leah Lamski
538 – Mordechai Lamski z"l
539 – Moshe Bild
539 – Gela Bild
539 – Eliezer Bild, born in 1903, and Ela Bild (born Kaufman) and their children Irka (1930) and Shimon (1932)
539 – Kaltsche Kuksner Bild and child Aneta, Hela Bild and Hela Opas (born Bild)
539 – Regina Zandberg, born Bild
540 – Leib son of Moshe Asz, died in 1931, age 70
540 – Hinda Asz, born Lachman
540 – Yitzhak-Zvi Menche
540 – Shaul Yoel Lachman
540 – Ruda Lachman, born Asz
540 – Henoch, son of Yosef Majzels, Rachel Leah, daughter of Yitzhak Menche, and family
541 – Matzeva Tamar Wajchselfisz, daughter of Yosef
541 – Wajchselfisz family (?)
542 – Betzalel Wolsztajn
542 – Israel-Yehoshua Wolsztajn
542 – Chaim Godel Wolsztajn
542 – Wolsztajn family (?)
542 – Matzeva Wolsztajn family (?)
543 – Lasman family (?)
543 – Melech and Leah Blank and child
543 – Anshel and Mindel Royza Blank, killed in ghetto Kutno
544 – Matzevot Yonatan Majranc and Rachel Majranc
545 – Eliezer, son of Meir, and Sheine Zandberg born Fiszer
545 – Blima Zandberg
546 – Abraham Klingbajl z"l
546 – Freida Klingbajl z"l
546 – Elka Rozenberg born Klingbajl z"l
546 – Moshe Rozenberg z"l
546 – Eliayhu Klingbail, Yafa-Sheindel born Sobotka and family
547 – Drawing of matzevot for Moshe Yosef, son of Abraham Aba Pasirsztajn, and Zipora, daughter of Zvi Kohn
548 – Yehuda-Yaakov Abramowicz
548 – Dina-Rachel Abramowicz and children Mordechai, Ozer and Abraham
548 – Tova Wardi-Abramowicz
549 – Yaakov Kowalski
549 – Israel, Abraham-Yitzhak, Eliezer Gorszkewicz
550 – Yaakov-Israel Yawec, born in 1891
550 – Abraham Yawec (son)
550 – Royza Yawec, born Yeruchemzon in 1893
551 – Arie-Leib Gajger
551 – Rania Gajger
551 – Batsheva Gajger, born Salah
551 – Lustman family
552 – Chaim Yaakov and Mindel Walter, born Kluba, and family
553 – Yosef-Yaakov Hirszbajn
553 – Chana Klingbajl
553 – Chaim-David Klingbajl
554 – Mordechai Kibel z"l
554 – Henich and Rochma Josifowicz and family
555 – Abraham Bigelajzen
555 – Yehuda-Arie and Dina Bigelajzen, born Czonkowski and child
555 – Pesia Bigelajzen born Blumenzon
555 – Shlomo and Keila-Masha Fuks, born Chabus, and family
556 – Yosef Korn, died 1936, aged 103
556 – Leizer Korn
556 – Menachem Korn
556 – Chana-Beila Korn
556 – Rasz family
557 – Bagno family
557 – Chaim-David Lustigman
557 – Chana Lustigman
557 – Nechemia Lifszyc
557 – Ryvka-Rachel Lifszyc born Lustigman
558 – Yitzhak-Meir Szpiro
558 – Abraham-Moshe Szpiro
558 – Ester Szpiro
558 – Yosef-David Szpiro
559 – Zerach Kirszbaum
559 – Yosef Kirszbaum
559 – Kopel Kirszbaum
559 – Meler Chaya
560 – Dov (Bertsho) Goldsztajn
564 – Simcha and Hersh Wachtel and family
564 – David Wachtel
565 – Yechiel Szlajfer family
565 – Wolf Hoffman family
566 – Pinchas Leizer Hoffman family
566 – Shlomo and Chana Hoffman
566 – Malka Hoffman
567 – Yitzhak-Leib (Itshe) ben Shlomo Nisen Kenig
567 – Rafael-Meir Gocman and Sara-Rachel Hoffman family
568 – Yehuda-Yidel Kac, his wife Esther (born Kenig) family
568 – Chana Sieradzki (born Kac)
568 – Nathan son of Yidel Kac
568 – Ela Boleslawski (born Kac)
569 – Abraham Menashe Kac
569 – Abraham, Chana, Michael and Mendel Fudałowicz
570 – Rachel Jadwizh and husband Mendel Fogel
570 – Family at the tombstone of Shimon Kohn
570 – Mindel Mori Kohn (born Jadwisz)
571 – Yosef Strykowski
571 – Rachel Strykowski
571 – Zirel Bechler z"l
571 – Yitzhak Meir Kohn
571 – Pesa and Chana Frankenthal
571 – Itzik Bechler
572 – Chaim, Ryvka and Yaakov Izbicki
572 – Moshe Choike
572 – Ozer Szumraj
572 – Beila Moszkowicz
572 – Simele Wachtel
573 – Hirsh and Keila Sztajn
573 – Chaya Cwang
573 – Yitzhak Opoczynski
573 – Leah Dresler born Cwang
574 – Gitel Wigdorczyk z"l
574 – Zachariah Hoffman
574 – Rachel Klajnbaum
574 – Shlomo Simcha Klajnbaum
574 – Chana Klajnbaum
574 – Lustman and wife born Izbicki
574 – Zalman Jastrzeb
577 – Shimshon-Zalman Lisner
577 – Abraham, son of R' Shmuel-Zvi and Leah Wyszegrodzki
577 – Ryvka Bornsztajn
578 – Lubart family
581 – Shulamit Fogel
581 – Yosef Buki
581 – Gecyl family
583 – Aharon-Meir Poddembski
583 – Shipra-Zlata Poddembski
583 – Chaim Mordechai Poddembski
583 – Perel Poddembski
583 – Sender-Leib and wife Dvora-Zvia (born Zandberg)
583 – Abraham-David Leizersztajn
583 – Rachel Leah Leizersztajn (born Poddembski)
583 – Shmuel ben Yehoshua Goldman
583 – Goldman family
584 – Moshe-Yechiel son of Shmuel-Feivel Szatan z"l
585 – Betzalel Grabinski z"l
585 – Abraham Lach
585 – Dina Braun
585 – Yosef Rozensztajn
585 – Fawish Szpringer
585 – Shaye Czonkowski
585 – Aharon Wornowicki
585 – Gabriel Wiszniewski
585 – Abraham Braun
586 – Wolkowicz family
586 – Wolkowicz family
587 – Kraut and Kohn families
587 – Hinda Fast born Braun
587 – Shmuel and Ryvka Asz
588 – Tila Jakubowicz
588 – Yechiel-Meir Jakubowicz
588 – Hersh and Golda Asz and family
589 – Yaakov Asz (left), Yitzhak Asz
589 – Shimon and Fela Opoczinski
589 – Yechezkel and Sara-Ryvka Rozenberg and family
590 – Bild family
590 – Leah Pesa Rochwal
591 – Eizyk Meir son of Baruch Bild