Kutno Jewish Community English עברית Français Español Polski
This search will return the number of entries that are listed in the following files:
- JHI Kutno Deaths 1830-1840 (JRI-Poland)
- Ellis Island 1892-1924 (Steve P Morse's form for Ellis Island)
- Duma Voters 1907 (JewishGen)
- Talmud Torah lottery 1915 (Yizkor Book Kutno and Surroundings)
- Business directory 1929)
- Census 1930
- Kutno ghetto census 1941 (JRI-Poland)
- Yad Vashem testimonies
- Kutno Yizkor book list of martyrs (Yizkor Book Kutno and Surroundings)
- Kutno Yizkor book list of names (Yizkor Book Kutno and Surroundings)
- Kutno Yizkor book Necrology (Yizkor Book Kutno and Surroundings)
is exactly
sounds like
starts with
ends with
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© Jewish Kutno, 2020. This tool was created using Stephen P Morse's One-Step Search Tool generator